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Our goal is to bring Procurement & Supply Chain Management to life for the hundreds and thousands of students across the globe studying, taking exams or merely looking to develop their interest.

Less than a Dollar - For a monthly investment of less than a Dollar, less than a Pound and less than a Euro you can receive short, succinct ideas and inspirations, downloadable on a phone, laptop or tablet, designed to highlight and explore practical ideas and initiatives.

More Marks - Irrespective of the qualification or awarding body, use of examples to reinforce an idea or key point is a fruitful mark-enhancing endeavour in an exam or assignment. The weekly release of VidBlinqz clips – and access to the VidBlinqz archive of historical Procurement and Supply Chain observations - is intended to give practical insight and inspiration for that moment in an exam when your mind goes blank….

Additional Materials - Further, from time to time, subscribers will also get access to articles, reports and ebooks, as they are released, all in a succinct and easy to digest format.
And for less than a Dollar a month or 4 cents a day! 

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